Bruce Springsteen’s forthcoming album High Hopes is generating a lot of press these days. One of the most interesting articles appeared recently on the online version of Rolling Stone, where Andy Greene interviews Ron Aniello. The producer talks in insight about how the new album was done, the many other songs Springsteen has in the can yet («I’m actually working on some of the songs now and going through them», says Aniello) and much more. The interview (well worth reading) has plenty of interesting bits and details, including unreleased song titles.
Meanwhile CBS has announced the full High Hopes album will be streaming on their website on January 5th at 7pm, since three of its songs («High Hopes», «Hunter of Invisible Game» and «The Ghost of Tom Joad») will be incorporated into the Jan.12th episode of The Good Wife (titled «We, the Juries»).