Noticias e información en castellano sobre Bruce Springsteen

Bruce Springsteen starts Euro tour with two shows in Oslo

Bruce Springsteen arrived in Oslo on Sunday at 8am, and had a long rehearsal with his band the same day at Filmparken studios in Jar, a town near Oslo. The E Street Band, without Bruce nor Steve, had already rehearsed at the same location on Saturday. Steve Van Zandt, missing during the Australian part of the tour, is back in the band and will be onstage tonight at Telenor Arena, where the European tour begins. There’ll be a second show in Oslo tomorrow, before the tour reaches Stockholm for two shows this week, Friday and Saturday.

Photos: rehearsal space in Jar. Photos by Lef Carroll IV  (@lef_iv) and Nils Lofgren (@nilslofgren).

Rehearsalspace Nils SVZs amps Niols Clarks tuba