Noticias e información en castellano sobre Bruce Springsteen


Springsteen calls Dave Marsh for surprise chat on E Street Radio

July 10th. Bruce called out of nowhere while Dave Marsh and Jim Rotolo were hosting E Street Radio’s show Live from E Street Nation. During the 10-minute chat Bruce thanked his fans for all their support, commented on his guest appearance in Asbury Park the previous week and announced they made a film of the Western Stars album played live, along «with some other things».

Listen to the full radio interview here:

Little Steven premiers album in Asbury Park, with Bruce Springsteen as guest

Once again Bruce Springsteen was the special guest at a Little Steven concert, this time on May 8th at the Paramount Theatre in Asbury Park, the kickoff show in the East Coast for Van Zandt’s new tour behind his brand new album Summer of Sorcery.

As they did in L.A. some days earlier, they sang together «Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out», «Sun City» and «I Don’t Want to Go Home».

Springsteen releases official video of New Orleans 2006 show

A week ago in Asbury Park Bruce Springsteen mentioned, after the screening of The Springsteen Archives, that he wanted to find a way to release various shows on video, and just a few days later the official video of the New Orleans’ Jazzfest show in 2006 appears on Springsteen’s channel in Youtube. This was the first show of the 2006 tour with the Seeger Sessions Band, just after hurricane Katrina devastated the city. An exceptional document and hopefully the first of many more to come. All 17 songs are now available to free viewing.