Noticias e información en castellano sobre Bruce Springsteen


As the tour keeps going on, Bruce keeps shaking up the set lists night after night, debuting new songs and performing many rarities and material from all of his albums. The two shows in Oslo (both in the 3 hour-plus mark) featured two 30-song sets. Night #1 had «Cover Me» (tour debut) plus «Racing in the Street», «Two Hearts», «Seven Nights to Rock» and «The River», in a show that included 6 songs off Born in the U.S.A.

Night #2 saw the tour debut of the full band version of «If I Should Fall Behind» in a very intense show full of great rock songs: «From Small Things», «Roulette», «You Can Look», «Night», «Adam Raised a Cain», «Murder Incorporated» or the final encore with «Twist & Shout». This has been the longest show so far, with 3 hours and ten minutes. «Born in the USA» was added to the set, performed to great effect right after «The Rising».

See complete set list Oslo 8.05.2009

See complete set list Oslo 7.05.2009