Noticias e información en castellano sobre Bruce Springsteen

19.01.2016 United Center, Chicago, IL

El segundo concierto de la gira incluye seis cambios respecto a la primera noche, señal de que Springsteen no tiene intención de mantener un setlist fijo (salvo por la apertura con «Meet me in the city» y las 20 canciones de The River). Los bises se iniciaron con «Take it Easy» en homenaje a Glenn Frey de The Eagles, fallecido esta semana.

Second show of the tour, with six changes from opening night. A good sign that Springsteen will not keep the same set of songs every night, except for the opening «Meet me in the city» and the 20 songs from The River. The encore includes «Take it Easy» as a tribute to Glenn Frey of The Eagles, who passed away this week.

Setlist Chicago:

Meet Me in the City
The Ties That Bind
Sherry Darling
Jackson Cage
Two Hearts
Independence Day
Hungry Heart
Out in the Street
Crush On You
You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch)
I Wanna Marry You
The River
Point Blank
Cadillac Ranch
I’m a Rocker
Fade Away
Stolen Car
The Price You Pay
Drive All Night
Wreck on the Highway
No Surrender
Cover Me
She’s the One
Human Touch
The Rising
Thunder Road

Take It Easy
Born to Run
Dancing in the Dark
Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)