Out of the blue Bruce phoned E Street Radio this morning during Dave Marsh’s program, and talked in lenght about the new tour and the solo project he was working on.
«The project I’ve been working on is more of a solo project, It wasn’t a project I was going to probably take the band out on. So I said, ‘Gee, that’s going to push the band playing again until a ways in the future. It’ll be nice to get some playing in so you don’t wind up being two or three years between E Street tours.’ This will give us a chance to get out there and stretch our muscles a little bit.»
«We made the box set and there was no plan to tour. Then we felt, ‘Maybe we should do a show just to raise the flag and have some fun and make it a little more exciting.’ I said. ‘Okay, maybe we’ll do a show in New York.’ Then that went quick to, ‘Maybe we should do a couple of shows.’ Then it turns into, ‘Maybe we should do a small series of shows, basically one-nighters, with maybe a little bit around the country.»
«We ended up with that idea, it seemed, if you’re going to get everyone together, then you might as well play it out a few times, get a chance to see everybody. And of course, the idea, was to do «The River» top to bottom, and my recollection was that it was a very good night of music when we played it at the Garden. It’s something that we haven’t done; something unique for the fans. If you were ever curious to hear it played in concert, this is a shot for you to hear it.»
«It’s going to take a little guessing out of the evening. You’re going to know what the next song is. Maybe we’ll make up for some of that in the encores. We plan on picking out some of the best of our outtakes for the end of the show, along with obviously be some fan favorites. I don’t know myself how it will play out. It should be interesting and a lot of fun for the fans.»
«We just stripped it down to the basic band it’s been since 1985, including Steve. Of course, Jake will be along, and Soozie Tyrell. It’s a little bit more of a rock band format, I’m looking forward to that for a little while, seeing how that feels again.»
«It’ll be a little more of a rock band format, I’m looking forward to that for a little while and seeing how that feels again. It should be perfect for this record and what we’re doing right now. I miss playing with the guys. I miss playing period. It’s going to be fun.»
«I did listen to the single album: that was fun. The record does have a very different tone. I still think we were right to hold off, get the big spread of material.»
«There was another double album of really, pretty good material that we were making our choices from. We made a lot of music during that period, and lot of it stands up pretty well. I’m looking forward to playing some of it. It was fun pulling that stuff out, and you know, spit-shining it.»